
The pool deck features chaise loungers and cabana furniture where you can recline and unwind, or grab a snack from Selia Bar.
Members can bring their children for some fun in the sun.
Adult-Only Evening
Pool Basics
• Pool Hours: Opens when club opens, closes 30 minutes before the club does. Last call for food and drink1 hour before pool closes.
• Serving starts when Selia opens.
• Wrist bands are always required.
• No outside food or beverage is permitted, this includes water bottles.
• Bags may be searched at any time.
• NO entry or exit through the emergency exit gate.
• Vaping/Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Edgemont Athletic property, which does mean if someone wants to do that, they need to exit and walk down to the city sidewalk.
• Not abiding by the stated rules along with abusive or disrespectful behaviour towards staff or other patrons, or not be tolerated.
Kid’s: (Child minding/Pool)
• Members can bring in their own children/grandchildren. Friends of their kids are not permitted.
• Guests 15 and under must be always accompanied and supervised by parents.
• Under 18 are not allowed in Sauna or Steam Room.
• Drop-in fee for Kid’s Club or pool is $10 +GST per child. All children regardless of age, yes this means toddlers as well.
o All kid’s fees are PER child. Drop-In, and Unlimited biweekly.
o Only one fee required to use pool/kid’s club in same day. (during the same visit/time)
Small sized floaties only for kids. Who: Members who are allowed to use the pool are:
• Gold Memberships
• Silver Memberships
• VIP trial members
• Guest with members
Those who are NOT allowed to use pool:
• 5 for $25
• 5 for $50
• EA Bronze (Limited)
• 1 week trial members
• Drop Ins
FRIDAY’S (18+)
• 2pm onward – Friday Pool Party Adults Only- 18+ only.
• Members with Children on this day must vacate the pool area at 2:00 pm or earlier. Front Desk team to advise parents with kids Friday morning to remind parents as they come in.
*Subject to change at any time or at management’s discretion
Please refer to all other rules and usage guidelines posted in our pool area.